


Reporting an Absence

Parents can report absences via:


Include all of the following information in your absence report:

  • Name of the student
  • Your relationship to student. Students may not report an absence for themselves or another student.
  • Date(s) of the absence
  • Reason for the absence
  • Phone number to be used in case there is a question about the reported absence.


Please also note that attendance records can only be cleared within 5 school days.



Early Pick Up

Students leaving early must have school authorization by way of a Blue Slip to exit campus.

  • Call or email the office on the day of early release - Please make every effort to call or email at least one hour before expected dismissal time.
  • Send a note with your student - If you know in advance, you can send a note in with your student to get dismissed early.
  • IMPORTANT: Failure to get a Blue Slip before leaving campus will result in a truancy. Parents/guardians may not call to clear an truancy after the student has left campus.

Attendance Policy

Attendance plays a major role in the overall success of each student. Daily attendance is the most essential requirement for every student. Success in school and in future academic goals can be achieved only by daily participation in class.

Parents’ Responsibilities

  • All absences must be cleared with a telephone call from the parent/guardian within 5 days of the absence (858) 536-0136 Option 2; otherwise the absence will be considered “unexcused” or ‘truant.” 

  • Please make every effort to schedule medical or dental appointments outside of school hours to minimize students missing class time.  If a student must be excused during the school day, please call the attendance office to initiate a blue slip as early as possible.  Students with a blue slip will sign out through the attendance office.  A signed doctor’s note is required to excuse the absence.

  • With the alternating block schedule, daily attendance is especially critical, as every day missed is the equivalent of two days missed on a traditional 6 period schedule.  Students who miss more than three periods of unexcused class time will be required to attend Saturday School (8:00 am  to 12:00 pm) to clear subsequent absences.  

  • Students must make up work missed, due to absences, within a reasonable amount of time. The student must make arrangements with his/her teachers. Students may make up work for unexcused absences at the teacher’s discretion.

  • California Ed. Code sections 46010 and 48205 identify acceptable reasons for absences as follows:

    • Excused Absences:  personal illness (may require a doctor’s note), personal medical appointments, funeral services of parent, sibling, grandparent, or any relative living in the child’s household, personal court appearances (requires verification), and district recognized religious holidays. 

    • Unexcused Absences:  transportation issues (car/traffic problems), personal/family problems, trips out of town, babysitting of siblings, accompanying parents to work, translating for family members, oversleeping or any other reason not listed above as excused.

Extensive absences from school seriously jeopardize a student’s opportunities to successfully pass his or her classes.  Because these unexcused absences will lower citizenship grades, students may attend Saturday School to clear these absences.  For the academic success of your students, please plan family vacations during district scheduled breaks from school.  Please obtain a long term contract if your student will be out of school between 3 - 15 days.  Per district policy only one Long Term Absence Contract will be given in a school year.

**Seniors must clear ALL period absences and tardies to maintain senior privileges within a reasonable time.  Seniors with 3 or more period tardies are also subject to loss of senior privileges.

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