Good Afternoon to our New MBHS Families,
We are thrilled that your child has joined our family of Buccaneers at Mission Bay High School!
The first day of school is Monday August 21st, and is fast approaching! I want to provide information for you to reference as you prepare, and also to hopefully answer some of the questions that you may have:
If you missed the parent/guardian information meeting that was held on Thursday, 8/10, Freshmen Orientation Day, don’t worry! We will host a virtual Freshmen and New Student Parent/Guardian Information Meeting Next Tuesday, August 15th at 6pm via Zoom. There will be a Spanish translator present.
You will be able access the meeting link from the school website, or you can access it here:
Meeting ID: 840 2607 3703
Password: gobucs2324
If your child missed their orientation, do not worry! Your child will be able to take care of everything that took place during orientation during the first day and/or week of school. Makeup picture day, however, will be on September 7th. You will need your school ID before you can purchase an ASB card, so please plan to get your school picture taken on the 7th if you have not already done so.
The district is now offering completely free breakfast and lunch to all students everyday. For more information about our food services and to view our school’s menu options click here:
If your child has questions or concerns about their class schedule, please contact their counselor directly:
If you have not yet been assigned a locker (at orientation) you can buy a lock at school for $10 prior to getting your locker, or you can bring a combination lock from home. You must have a lock with you in order to be assigned a locker.
Freshmen students who did not return their laptop to their middle school in Spring, or during orientation this week, should bring their old school-issued laptop to school on the first day so that they can turn it in in the library, and receive their new school device.
If you plan on attending the virtual New Student Parent/Guardian Meeting on Tuesday, 8/15, there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end, but please do not hesitate to reach out with questions at any time.
We look forward to a fantastic year of learning and growth with your child! Go Bucs!
All the Best,
Ali West
Associate Principal (L - Z)
Mission Bay High School